This role is meant for users that will be involved with specific competitions but don't need access to the whole MA environment. A user with this role will be able to see and carry out the same functionalities as a Competition Manager, but in this case they will only have access to do so within the specific competitions that they have been assigned to. This guide will show you how to assign users with this role to the competitions they will be working with.

The user applies for the role of Regional Competition Manager

Initially, the person taking over this role must apply for it as shown in How to Request and Admin Role

An MA System Admin approves the role

A different user with 'MA System Admin' role will be the one to approve the request and subsequently assign the new Regional Competition Manager to the specific competitions needed. Different paths can be followed for this depending on whether the competition has already been created or not. 

If the competition has already been created:

1. From 'Competition Assignments'

Go to the 'Competitions' menu on the left side of the website.  Once there, you will find the button 'Assignments' on the top right. Click on it.

Then, you'll be able to see the users of the MA under the Regional Competition Manager role.

Click on the name of a Regional Competition Manager user and you'll see the competitions to which they are currently assigned.

In order to assign different competitions to the Regional Competition Manager user, click on the button 'Assign' located on the top right. There, a window displaying all the competitions existing on the MA's environment will be available to be selected. 

Select the competition needed (you can look for it in the 'search' box at the top right) and click on 'assign' at the bottom right. 

You can only assign one competition at a time

Once a competition has been assigned to a Regional Competition Manager, it will be displayed when looking at the 'Contacts' tab on the competition menu under 'Assigned Managers'. This user will be receiving the same email notifications as the Competition Manager, only in this case they will only receive notifications related to this specific competition.

2. From the 'Contacts' tab within an already created Competition

It is also possible to directly assign a Regional Competition Manager to an already created competition. Simply to go to the competition in question and go to the 'Contacts' tab, there, under the 'Assigned Managers' section you can simply click on the button 'assign' located on the top right of the section, then look for the user with 'Regional Competition Manager' role that you intend to assign to this competition. Select the user and click on the button 'Assign'.

If the competition has not yet been created:

1. From the 'Create Competition' menu

Part of the steps at the time of creating a new competition is to fill in the 'Contacts' information (See Create Round Robin Competition and Create Knock Out Competition). When doing this, you will be able to add a Regional Competition Manager as seen on the step above.