This guide will show the Referee Appointment Officer (Referee Admin Role) and Competition Manager how to set up the appointments for Match Officials for a competition and have them approved or declined.

1. Select Competition

From the menu on left side of the screen select "Competitions"


2. Select a Competition

Select the competition you wish to set up and click on "Settings". Once you click on "Settings" in the bottom under "Match Officials" you will find the new section called "Appointments".

3. Appointments

Once you click on "Settings", in the bottom, under "Match Officials" you will find the new section called "Appointments". Here you will find information about the default action that will be performed on appointments after certain deadline, if the Match Official does not answer, this can be either confirmed or declined. 

4. Select Edit

From the top right corner of the Settings menu, select "Edit". 

5. Edit the Appointments Settings

In the bottom you will find the settings for Appointments, in which you will get 3 options: Automated Confirm, Automated Decline and Manual Confirm or Decline.

a. Automated Confirm: This means that if the attached Match Official does not confirm or decline the appointment within the specified deadline, the appointment will automatically change to 

b. Automated Decline: his means that if the attached Match Official does not confirm or decline the appointment within the specified deadline, the appointment will automatically change to DECLINED.

c. Manual Confirm or Decline: This means that nothing will happen if the attached Match Officials do not respond to their appointments. 


Select a specific match, then select the Match Officials tab and here you will find in the top right corner the option "HISTORY" where you will be able to see all the history of the appointments which include: Name of the Person who changed the status of the appointment and the action that is performed with the details, like Role and Appointee. 

6. Appointing the Match Official

After selecting the competition, select a match and click on the Match Officials tab. Under this tab you will find the Match Officials and an "APPOINT" option where you will click, and it will allow you to choose the person you want to appoint.

The message "Person has another match(es) this day" appears when there is a conflict in the appointment as the Match ]Official has been appointed to several matches that same day at the same time. 

7. Status outcome

Once the Match Official Confirms or Declines the appointment, we will be able to see it under the match in the Match Officials tab. Referee Admin and Competition Manager will have the option to Decline or Delete the appointment even if it has been confirmed by the Match Official. 

8. Email Notifications for Referee Admin

Notifications will be received via email, depending on the case: 

a. When declined by Match Official or the decline period has passed AND Config is set to auto-decline: The Referee Admin will get an email with the title "Appointment has been declined".

b. When accepted by Referee Admin or Competition Manager AND Config is set to auto-decline: The Match Official will get an email with the title "Appointment Confirmed".

b. When Declined by Referee Admin or Competition Manager: The Match Official will get an email with the title "Appointment has been Declined".