This guide is to provide Member Associations with information on how to sync Players from Connect to TMS, and how transfers are processed and shared between the two systems.
Section A: Syncing Players from Connect to TMS
Section B: Processing Transfers with the TMS Integration
SECTION A: Syncing Players from Connect to TMS
For eligible Players (Sport: Football, Status: Active/Passive, Age: 10+) in Connect, it is possible to sync their details to TMS.
- Once a Player is synced, they will be added to TMS automatically, and their personal details in TMS will be kept updated whenever they are changed in Connect.
- An icon is added to the summary panel of a Player to indicate that they have been synced to TMS.
There are two ways to sync eligible Players to TMS:
Method 1 - During Approval of a New Player
While approving the registration of a New Player, there is a checkbox available at the bottom of the page.
Having the checkbox marked when the registration is approved will sync the Player to TMS.
If the registration is for a Professional Player, and you have indicated that this is the Player's first ever registration as a Professional, then you must tick the 'Sync to TMS' checkbox to approve the registration.
Method 2 - From the Player's Profile
For un-synced players, there is a 'Sync to TMS' button beneath the summary panel on the right-hand side of their profile.
Navigating to a player's profile (via Search or another method), and clicking the 'Sync to TMS' button will prompt the user to confirm the action. Once confirmed, the Player will be synced to TMS.
SECTION B: Processing Transfers with the TMS Integration
The TMS Integration will partially automate the Transfer processes in Connect based on the corresponding Transfer being completed first in TMS.
Processes detailed below:
- International Transfer Out
- International Transfer In/Return
- Domestic Transfer
The following features will only work if:
a) the Club(s) have a matching FIFA ID in both TMS and Connect; and,
b) the Players' FIFA ID matches between all systems.
Transfers should always be commenced and completed in TMS first, and then processed in Connect second.
International Transfer Out
Scenario: | A Player is Transferring out of your Association to another Member Association. |
Required TMS Action: | Complete a full transfer of the Player in TMS (including the new MA acknowledging receipt of the ITC). |
Result: |
An International Transfer Out will automatically be performed in Connect. The Player will be transferred out of their old club, and transferred to the International Transfer Holding Club (ITHC) in your Connect environment. |
Next Steps: | No further action is required. |
International Transfer In/Return
Scenario: | A Player is Transferring into your Association from another Member Association. |
Required TMS Action: | Complete a full transfer of the Player in TMS (including acknowledging receipt of the ITC as the MA). |
Result: | A work task will be created in Connect at the dashboard of the new Club; it will be partially pre-filled with the details of the Player. |
Next Steps: | The new Club should complete and submit the registration work task in their dashboard; this will then need to be approved for the registration to become Active in Connect. |
Domestic Transfer
Scenario: | A Player is Transferring between Clubs within your Association, where both Clubs exist in TMS. |
Required TMS Action: | Complete a full transfer of the Player in DTMS. |
Result: | A work task will be created in Connect at the dashboard of the new Club. |
Next Steps: | The new Club should complete and submit the registration work task in their dashboard; this will then need to be approved for the registration to become Active in Connect. No further action is required by the Player's former Club. |
A work task in the Club dashboard; created when the transfer in TMS was fully completed