This information is to guide the referees on how to submit match expenses within the Competition Management System.

1. My expenses

Once the referee is appointed to a match, the option to submit expenses appears regardless of the match status.

2. Submit expense report

Depending on the expense report settings while setting up the competition, the referee can see the set default rates and modify amounts manually for each game. If the referee decides, that the travel for a game costs more than the default rate, there is the possibility to leave a comment. Press Submit.

3. Edit submitted payment

If the referee made a mistake while submitting an expense report, there is a possibility to edit it, as long as the referee manager have not yet approved the report. Expand the wanted game in order to see submitted information.    

Once a full report is visible, the referee may correct the amounts and upload additional documents that specify why the default rates have been changed.

4. Paid reports

Once an expense report has been approved by the referee manager, it will be moved to the "Paid" tab.