This information is for clubs to explain how to register a Player for the current season when logged in at Club level.

1. Select People

2. Select 'Add Player'

3. Complete Personal Details

All fields marked with an * are a compulsory field and must be completed

If a person has already registered as a player within the MA then a transfer would be required


If person is aged between 10-18 and Nationality is anything other than local (Azerbaijan in this example) then the above Minor Protection questions will automatically appear


If person is aged anything other than 10-18 and Nationality is anything other than local then the above prompt to request an ITC will automatically appear

Once additional information is completed, click 'Continue'

If all Personal Information details successful then registration flow will move onto Contact Details

5. Contact Details

Complete Contact Details and click 'Continue'

6. Registrations

The system will automatically select some options from the Registrations screen above based on age of player, as described below.

  • Role: Defaults to Player
  • Sport: Availability of options (e.g. Football, Futsal, Recreational) may be dependent on club settings
  • Level: Availability of options (e.g. Amateur, Professional) may be dependent on the player's Age and Gender
  • Age Group: Defaults to Minor or Adult dependent on player's Age
  • Nature of Registration: Defaults to New Registration if new person

Select the Sport and Level and click 'Continue'  

7. Required Documents

  • Documents can be uploaded by clicking on 'Click here to upload file' this will open up folder for you to select the necessary file to upload
  • Documents can also be uploaded by clicking and dragging the file to the necessary document
  • Which documents are required may be dependent on selections made in the player's registration (e.g. Amateur or Professional, Minor or Adult etc.)

Maximum file size is 25 megabytes: 

JPG, JPEG, PDF, and PNG are recommended file types

Documents successfully uploaded will display a tick next to their file name

After uploading a picture or photo of the player you may have the option to crop the image; it is recommended that you do so that the image dimensions are the most ideal for display in the system

Required Documents are compulsory and must be uploaded; registration will not proceed if all required documents are not uploaded

8. Licence
The Licence may be selected automatically, with optional add-on items also available for selection

If license fees are not required for your registration, you can select 'Continue' to proceed to the Summary screen (step 10 of this user guide)



9. Payment Options

Upon choosing the licence you then have the option to 'Pay Now' or 'Pay Later' 

  • Pay Now: By choosing this option it will then take you to the payment portal where you have a list of options to pay for the registration
  • Pay Later: By choosing this option it will then submit the registration, however an invoice will be created for you to pay later

The Registration of the Player cannot be approved and made active until Payment is made

10. Summary

The Summary screen allows you to check that all details entered are correct before submitting the player registration, please ensure you check all the information

If you need to change any information click on the edit link

Make sure you click the edit link relating to the area you want to change, for example the Contact Details

11. Submit Registration

When all information has been checked, click on Submit to go to Payment portal (if Pay Now was selected previously) or Submit to Member Association where registration will then be complete (Pending Payment if applicable, before approval) 


12. Registration Submitted

Once the registration is complete the Member will be marked as pending and awaiting approval (and pending payment if Pay Now was not selected and payment of a license is required)

ID Number is blank until the registration has been paid and approved and made active

Once completed you are provided with three options 

  • Register another Player
  • View all currently submitted registrations
  • Go to your Dashboard

Clicking on 'Register another Player' - it will take you back to Step 3 (in user guide) where you can register another player

Clicking on 'View all Currently Submitted Registrations' it will take you to a list of all Pending Registrations for your Club

Clicking on 'Go to your Dashboard' it will take you back to your Task list